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To define what we are and what is our philosophy, we've done a manifesto with five cool points. Give us electroshocks if we don't deliver.
To define what we are and what is our philosophy, we've done a manifesto with five cool points. Give us electroshocks if we don't deliver.
1. Power to the imagination
Enhancing the kids imagination through stories full of passion for fantasy, sci-fi and nature. Through apps that encourage laughter, creativity and lateral thinking, and that someday can help them to solve the problems of the world in a positive and innovative way. Times are tough, and -as Einstein said- "at times of crisis, imagination is more important than knowledge".
2. All our love in every detail
Thinking each project as the ultimate gift we would make for our children, nephews or grandchildren. Putting all our effort into every phase of the project, from the initial idea to the user support. Redesigning the interface as much as necessary to make it simple and intuitive and, of course, taking care of every little detail in graphics, animation and sound.
3. Let's play together
In our country there is a saying: "com més serem, més riurem" (the more the merrier). It's perfect for our philosophy! We want to enjoy developing together because we want you to enjoy playing together. An application can be funny, but the experience is a thousand times better when shared with friends, brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers, uncles, grandparents... and pets!
4. Kids first
We have all been children. Many of us never stopped being it. And none of us like to worry about evil buttons that make everything explode. Because of this, we won't include advertising or pay-to-win content in any of our projects. Nor will there be violence, of course. Well, if you think of violence when you see Wile E. Coyote crushed by a rock, chiquimedia is definitely not for you.
5. We want to believe...
In a responsible use of technology. In new ways of production in and from the network that fit with other activities (work, leisure, family, etc.) without space or time being an obstacle. In cooperative models, in which everyone contributes with ideas and effort, assuming responsibilities and sharing successes and failures.
We would like you to share this adventure with us.